UC insight question quick guide 3 (challenge & favorite subject)

15430795. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

If you are from an immigrant family, you might automatically want to write about how you acculturated into this country. As someone who shares the same background, I understand this desire to share such a significant part of your life, but I would recommend doing so with caution simply because it has been written over and over again. Thus, the standard is very high. In addition, this should not be a pity party, but rather, a story of overcoming and personal growth.


When I think of this prompt, my mind automatically goes to economic hardship. For example, you can write about how your parents needed to work two jobs to support the family, and how limited time from spent with parents impacted your academic development. Significant challenges can also include mental illness, parental marriage status, disabilities, etc. If you moved a lot when you were a kid, you can also write about it. Some of the more personal topics include “coming out” or being bullied.


If you are not careful with this prompt, you will end up writing a soap opera. Please make sure your point regards how your experience affects your academic achievement. How you overcome the challenge is more important than merely identifying your challenge. Usually, after you overcome a challenge, you will mature and have a new outlook of your situation. Make sure you direct the audience back to you.

funny cartoon casual man in various poses for use in advertising, presentations, brochures, blogs, documents and forms, etc.6. Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.

This prompt is probably the most straightforward of the eight, but the devil is in the detail. If you write, “I love math, and all my life I’ve been doing very well in math,” without providing any personal substance, you might as well just attach your transcript. Remind yourself once again that UC “insight” questions are really about storytelling. If you love a subject, tell the readers why you love this subject. Was there a special conversation you had with your teacher that became the catalyst of your interest? Maybe a role model in your community who inspired you? Perhaps you just have an inner drive to learn more about this topic?


After you tell us a story, you can start writing about how you learn more about this subject via different channels. For example, volunteers, internships, jobs, summer camps, YouTube channels, etc. Since this prompt asks about an academic subject, you do want to mention your experience in an advanced class such as AP/IB/community college. Hopefully, the major to which you are applying is the same as your favorite academic subject. If it’s not, you probably want to skip this prompt.


Lastly, don’t forget to write about how this subject has influenced you. Does it help your logic, worldview, value, understanding of people, etc.? Don’t forget to answer the whole prompt.

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