- 加州大學在全國大學排行榜的排名是: UCB(#20) UCLA(#24), UCSB(#37), UCI(#39), UCD (#44), UCSD (#44), UCSC(#79), UCR(#118), UCM(#152)。這個排名可能跟有些人心中猜想的不太一樣。(資料來源)
- UC對學生要拿那些SAT 2的建議: 決定要考那些SAT 2,或是SAT subject tests的因素,很大一部分是在於你的主修。整個名單看下來,Math 2跟Biology是出現最多次的推薦科目。(資料來源)
- 各個UC皆獨立審核學生: “It is also important to note that each UC campus evaluates the application without knowing the status of the same application at another campus. For example, one campus will not admit or deny due to the admission decision of another campus.” UC各校之間並不會因為一位學生已被其他UC接收或是拒絕,而來接收或是拒絕這位學生。我之前聽過的傳言是如果UCLA知道UCB收了這位學生,UCLA就會不收。除了些個案以外,99.99%的學生(數據是我瞎掰的)應該都不會出現學校故意一放一收的狀況。(資料來源)
- UC會以學生的環境來審核學生: “Each applicant is reviewed within the context of his or her available opportunities” 這句話的意思就是說學校A拿12堂AP的學生,不一定就比學校B拿6堂AP的學生優秀。如果學校A有20堂AP可以拿,而學校B只有6堂AP可以拿,那後者反倒有在自己的環境裡面達到高峰。(資料來源)
- UC的SAT分數審核方法: “Do not use the College Board’s “score choice” function. Report all scores – UC will only use the highest SAT with Essay ” UC會要看所考過全部的SAT成績,而以最高的成績當作學生的分數。(資料來源)
- 形容活動跟成就不要用縮寫: “Don’t use acronyms for names of clubs or awards: Spell them out and explain your level of involvement.” 在填自己的成就時,不要用縮寫,把每個社團跟獎項的全名都寫出來,不是每個人都知道那些縮寫。(資料來源)
- 照顧家人也很重要: “If the applicant, for example, takes care of siblings or in other ways support their family which does not allow them to take part in as many activities outside let UC readers know in the response to the personal insight questions. We understand that students are gaining valuable life experience and consider that as part of our comprehensive review.” 不是只有在外的義工服務可以算,如果因要照顧家人而無法在外的話,務必要寫在自傳裡面讓UC知道。(資料來源)
- 申請時自報AP分數: Scores must be self reported on the application. Don’t worry about “low” scores, UC treats that as neutral but does acknowledge an attempt was made to earn a score for which UC would award credit toward the UC degree.” AP分數在這個階段只是自己呈報,如果考低了也是要報,UC會注意到你有嘗試過。(資料來源)
- 官方成績進了再報: “Official AP/IB scores are not required until after a student has accepted an offer of admission; do not send scores at time of application submission.” 正式的官方成績,等進了學校後再送進去就好。(資料來源)
- 前9%必進UC?: 如果你是加州居民,學校有參加ELC program, 然後你的成績是自校9%的話,你會有一家UC可以唸,應該是UCM。(資料來源)
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