Timothy L. (Irvine, CA)

名字 Timothy L.
居住地 Irvine, California
網路教學 Yes
可教科目 Math, ACT, American History, World History, Chemistry, Biology, Writing, Physics, Computer Science
可教科目的成績 AP Literature: A; Calculus BC: A; AP Biology: A; AP Chemistry: A; AP US History: A/B; AP World History: A/B; AP Physics 1: A; Computer Science A: A; ACT: Composite: 35; Math: 35; Science: 36; Reading: 35; English: 35
年級 12
語言 English, Mandarin Chinese
中文程度 I am pretty good at both understanding and speaking 會聽也會說
家教經驗 Yes (Answer the below question)
5 students; Math, Chemistry, Computer Science, & ACT; Two Hour sessions; 4 months
禮拜一 Late afternoon (3pm~7pm), Night (7pm~10pm)
禮拜二 Late afternoon (3pm~7pm), Night (7pm~10pm)
禮拜三 Late afternoon (3pm~7pm), Night (7pm~10pm)
禮拜四 Late afternoon (3pm~7pm), Night (7pm~10pm)
禮拜五 Late afternoon (3pm~7pm), Night (7pm~10pm)
禮拜六 Early afternoon (12pm~3pm), Late afternoon (3pm~7pm)
禮拜天 N/A
區域範圍 Irvine, Tustin
電郵 altibeda@gmail.com
電話 949 332-0857
WeChat altibeda
Line altibeda
其他 Soccer, food, video games, computers, playing drums at Saddleback Church, teach math at Santa Ana Math Club, 4 year soccer at Beckman High School, playing piano, playing guitar, sports (ping pong, basketball, baseball, etc.), AYSO soccer referee. I attend Beckman High School
費用 $20-$25

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