在申請大學的時候,很多學校都會要求看2~3封的推薦信。推薦信的用途跟自傳一樣,是讓大學更認識學生的管道之一。 Continue reading
申請大學最重要的第一步: 大學申請名單 2
以我個人的看法跟經驗,十二年級的學生跟家長走進升學中心裡面,最重要的就是拿到一張適合的College list. 當你看完這篇以後,你也可以做出一張你的college list. 你也可以活用網路的資料跟資訊,找出哪些是夢,哪些是目標,哪些是你的安全網。 Continue reading
申請大學最重要的第一步: 大學申請名單 1
(左邊圖上寫的”死路一條”是誇張了點,可是一份適合自己的College list真的很重要)
寫了這麼多篇,花了這麼多小時,終於要面對這個每個人都在問的話題了: “那我要申請哪幾間大學啊?”,一個很簡單也最基本的問題。對一個學生來說,列出個適合自己興趣跟能力名單,是最重要的第一步,畢竟如果連要申請哪些學校都不知道的話,任何策略跟方針都用不上。接下來的兩篇就是要教大家怎樣列出適合自己的College list. Continue reading
終於寫到了最後一篇,大大小小中英加起來有十篇,總共涵蓋11個題目,希望這幾篇都可以幫助到辛苦的學生跟在旁加油的家長。接下來要幫大家計畫作文大作戰! Continue reading
- 為什麼挑這間學校 (why us?)
- 課外活動或興趣 (Extracurricular Activity)
- 我最愛的一本書 (favorite book)
- 學業/知識上的興趣 (Intellectual interest)
以下是寫這四個題目所要住意的地方。 Continue reading
這幾天收到了幾個家長問我關於遞交SAT成績的問題。雖然問題都不太一樣,不過背後要問的都是”SAT/ACT最晚什麼時候可以考?” Continue reading
How to finish your college essay without going crazy!
Finally, we have come to the last installment on college essays! Five installments altogether! We have covered 11 topics total: 5 Common apps, 2 UCs, and 4 most common topics. If you slice and dice them wisely, you will have most of the supplements covered. Continue reading
Top 4 most common supplement essay topics
Colleges often require different supplements for their applications. Here are the 4 most common topics.
Top 4 supplement topics:
- The “Why us” essay
- The “extracurricular” essay
- The “My favorite book” essay
- The “Intellectual interest” essay
UC application essay writing tips
In term of UC application, you have to write both essays. Total word count is 1000, and it’s up to you to decide which essay to allocate more words.
Here are some official recommendations from UC.
- Start early
- Topics can include but not limit to: Personal challenges, leadership opportunities, Extracurricular experiences, and culture influence.
- Have someone proofread your essays.
- Write a sound and logical essay.
- Write in first person
- Be careful with humor and clichés
- Don’t fake hardship in life
- Use real life examples.
- Give yourself lots of time to revise.
Common app essay writing tips
The last article we discusses about some tips on writing a personal statement. This article will focus on writing the essay for the common app. Just a quick reminder, you pick one out of the five topics provided by Common App with word count between 250 to 650 words. Before you start writing, there is something to keep in mind.
- Write about what’s NOT on your application already.
- Read the prompts carefully to identify all the components you need to answer.
- Make you spend majority of your writing on the component that tells the most of “you”
- Stay within the word limit and make sure to have someone proofread your essay.