Name名字: Rachel L.
Subject(s) to teach所教科目: Algebra 1, Trigonometry, and English 代數、三角函數、英文
Available city家教地點: Cupertino, Saratoga, and San Jose
Availability: Tue (7pm-10pm), Thur (3pm-10pm), Sat (12pm-10pm), Sun (All day)
Fee: $25-$35
Tutor profile: Alison W.
Tutor profile: Phoebe W.
Tutor profile: Rebecca C.
Tutor profile: Timothy Y.
Tutor profile: Winnie W.
Tutor profile: Mandy W.
Tutor profile: Brian L.
Dr. Kao’s Tutor Network tutor pool form
“I do well at school, and I really enjoy helping and teaching others, but I don’t know where to find people whom can use my help?!” Is this you? If you say yes, you need to join this up-and-coming tutor network and to be connected to people whom can use a helping hand.
This tutor network aims to serve both the tutors and the students. The benefits of being a tutor include 1) you can get paid, 2) you learn people skill, 3) this experience can be a part of your personal statement when you apply to college, 4) you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter when you teach it to others, 5) it feels good to help others.
One characteristic that sets this network apart from other tutor network is the opportunity for the tutors to learn how to teach. We are in negotiation with well-known educators in the Southern California area to provide you with an opportunity to learn how to teach, to listen to people who’s been doing one-on-one tutor for many years. It’s a valuable lesson that rarely presents to high school students. Regardless of what you think just because you have the knowledge, it doesn’t mean you can teach to others.
This form will take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Don’t say no to yourself and miss such a wonderful experience. Take the leap of faith and initial the first step to enrich your life and the lives of others.
入學申請推薦信 2
在上一篇,我們討論到要拜託誰寫,這篇則是要討論如何拜託。就算你跟人再熟,有些事前的功課你可以先做,幫助寫推薦信的人寫的更順暢。這篇我會以老師當做拜託的對像,但是本篇的方法基本上對任何對像都適用。 Continue reading