上一篇美國升學概念懶人包先帶過概念,這篇繼續簡短不廢話地以懶人包的概念說明學業成績。本懶人包是講到GPA、AP、SAT II、PSAT、& SAT/ACT. 基本上就是我最常被人問到的問題,我把它們全部列在這邊,讓大家可以很迅速地抓到,學業成績有那些因素會影響到升學的表現。 Continue reading
美國升學概念懶人包 1
因為有些家長對於美國升學不是很了解,我接下來會有至少四篇的懶人包系列,讓各位忙碌的父母可以輕鬆了解美國升學。我對懶人包的定義為以下三點 Continue reading
每年大概這個季節的時候,加州大學會跟各大高中輔導講解跟提醒,關於申請加州大學的一些注意事項。扣掉以下第1點,剩下9點就是加州大學交代給高中輔導的小提醒,希望他們可以傳達給學生們,我在這邊就一起跟大家分享。 Continue reading
很多家長包括我自己,都會看每年的US News & World Report出的大學排行榜。排行榜本身的評分標準跟功能性,我在另外一篇寫過(大學排行榜的迷思),但是對社會大眾的指標意義卻是不能否認的。 Continue reading
SAT 新聞快報,四百多題題目外漏!!!
UC insight question quick guide 4 (volunteer & free-response)
How do you elevate yourself from a follower to a leader? Prompt 7 might slip away from you before you figure out the main point and the hidden message. The last prompt is your last chance to help them getting to know you. It’s like the UC asking you “anything else?” during an interview. Continue reading
UC insight question quick guide 3 (challenge & favorite subject)
5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? Continue reading
UC insight question quick guide 2 (talent & opportunity)
The second installment of UC insight questions quick guide talks about prompt 3 & 4: Talent and opportunity.
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UC insight question quick guide 1 (leadership & creativity)
The first two prompts ask about students’ leadership experiences and creativity. Continue reading